Expert-Safety in Accompanying Adapted, « Quality, Hygiene, Health, Safety, Environment. (QHSSE), Jean-Claude CHAGNEAU relies on more than 15 years of QHSSE security manager experience in large companies.
Bird pyramid
J3C Sécurité acts
on incidents and risky behavior
to avoid minor accidents , with stops or mortal

The concept of quality and safety appeared in France in the 1990s. Its objective is to define by convention a universal approach applicable to both production and service companies.
However, each company has its own particularities and its own problems.
security system
Putting in place a quality-safety system should improve your work and not slow it down or create obstacles that you did not have before.
That’s why J3C Sécurité supports you in your efforts to offer you adapted solutions allowing you to gain in efficiency.

Our goal is to offer you an outsourcing of the function of quality manager or security facilitator.

Information, training and understanding of the role of each is essential to the success of setting up a common project.
For this we ensure a strong presence in the field so that everyone knows its role to allow the establishment of a quality-security system tailored to your needs.